product reviews

I have tested many products offered on the internet...I have found articles written on certain products that I felt where true to their word...So I'm offering the products here, with an explanation of what the products offer you, as the consumer...



What Is The Best Way To Quit Smoking Right Now?

Author: Helen Talbot

How many times have you tried to quit smoking? Let me tell you I
have tried on numerous occasions...I tried quitting when I was
pregnant, the doctor told me my blood presure was going to high,
so if I needed to smoke to bring it down, try and keep your
cigarette intake to no more than 5 in a 24 hour period...I could
do that because I would take a couple of puffs, put it out, and
take a couple more an hour later, just to keep the blood
pressure down...Yes, I felt very guilty I was carrying my child
for God's sake, but I didn't want to lose the baby due to high
blood pressure either...I actually brought my cigarette intake
to 3-4 within a 24 hour period...

We all have our reasons for wanting to quit...I personally just
want to be around to see my grandchildren and
great-grandchildren...I have never smoked in my home, or
anybody's house for that matter...I hate the smell of cigarette
smoke, I refuse to have my children smell like it, breathe it,
or crave it for that matter...Anything I can do to keep them
safe from it, I'll do...I don't lie to my kids, they know I
smoke, but they are also aware of the struggle I have had trying
to quit...

Well I finally kicked it in the ass!!! I tried the patches,
pills, I chewed the nicorette gum triple the daily amount, and
still needed the nicotine...And yes, I changed my habits while
doing all of these...No cigarette after dinner, lunch or
breakfast...No cigarette if I decided to have a couple
drinks...No cigarette if I woke up in the middle of the night,{I
use to go outside on the porch}, I would calm myself down while having a
cigarette, but I changed that too!!! I changed everything with
little success...Except I was so damn misserable I couldn't
stand myself...I would cry at how weak I was, I wasn't trying to
quit for anyone but myself, but I still couldn't do it...

I found a product that actually worked for me, THANK GOD...I may
not live longer...But I know that I don't need cigarettes
anymore, that's all that counts...

If you are struggling with the day to day stress within yourself
to stop smoking, and have tried all the other crap, {I don't
mean crap, I know they worked for many people...just not me} then
I think this might work for you...It's called Quit Smoking Right
Now...Click Here!

The nice thing about this product, besides the fact that it
works, is that if you don't quit, you don't pay...

I hope the information on "What Is The Best Way To Quit
Smoking", was helpful for you...Let me tell you, there is no
right way or wrong way, there is only your way, that works for
you...This information is priceless to me, and worth a second
look..Don't pay if it doesn't work...But I really think it
will...Click Here! Good Luck!!!